The Effects of Screen Time

Everyone is online, and that isn’t a bad thing. However, there are many negative effects of too much screen time: Chronic strain on your neck and back Strain on your eyes which can damage your eyes Decrease in physical activity leading to weight gain Sleep problems...

Other Ways to get Better Sleep

Physical Activity Getting loads of fresh air and tiring your body out can help you sleep much better. Limit Naps Try to stop yourself from napping during the day, allow your body to get tired. What you eat You should try to eat healthier if you are having trouble...

Your Bed and Sleep

There are loads of ways that you can improve your sleep by adjusting your bed: Invest in pillows and blankets you are comfortable in Change and clean your bed sheets and blankets at least every two weeks. Limit what you do in your bed, keep your bed for sleeping. For...

Screen Time and Blue Light Filters

Devices with screens on them emit blue light. Blue light can stop your body from releasing chemicals that help you sleep. To get better sleep, try to cut off your screen time at least 30 minutes before you plan to go to sleep. You can also try putting a blue light...


A good sleep regime is just as important as how much you sleep. If you keep your sleeping in routine, you will have much more energy every day. As Part of your Routine: Go to sleep at night – Your body naturally makes sleep hormones when it is dark. Go to bed...

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Registered Office: 7 Strothers Lane, Inverness, United Kingdom IV1 1LR

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